High Dimensional Signal Processing Lab.
Chulhee Lee
Professor of Yonsei University
B.S. degree in electronics engineering from Seoul National University in 1984
M.S. degree in electronics engineering from Seoul National University in 1986
Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, in 1992
Brief history
1996~현재: 연세대학교 전기전자공학부 교수
2012~2013: 연세대학교 정보통신기술연구원 원장
1993~1996: National Institutes of Health, Maryland USA, Visiting Fellow
1986~1987: Acoustic Laboratory at Technical University of Denmark (DTH), Researcher
2012~2013: IEEE Seoul Section 의장
2010~2011: IEEE Seoul Section 부의장
2017~2020: ITU-T Study Group 12, Q19 Rapporteur
2014~현재: ITU IRG-AVQA Co-Chair
2009~2016: ITU-T Study Group 9, Q12 Rapporteur
2006~2014: VQEG Hybrid Perceptual/Bitstream Co-Chair
2004~2009: VQEG RR/NRTV Co-Chair